Practice Modern british period - indian history mcq Online Quiz (set-2) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Which one of the following powers was the first to establish trade links with India?





Q-2)   The Portuguese established their first business centre at





Q-3)   Consider the following events:
  1. Annexation of Udaipur
  2. Annexation of Jhansi
  3. Annexation of Punjab
  4. Annexation of Oudh
The correct chronological sequence of these event is:





Q-4)   Find out the wrongly matched one/ones
  1. Lytton-Lee Commission
  2. Mayo-Scholarship scheme
  3. Ripon-Repeal of Vernacular Press Act
  4. Canning-Queen Victoria’s Proclamation





Q-5)   The title of ‘Viceroy’ was added to the centre office of the GovernorGeneral of India for the first-time in





Q-6)   The Danish established a factory in 1620 at





Q-7)   Who was the founder of the autonomous kingdom of Awadh or Oudh?





Q-8)   Identify the Acts passed by the British Government in 1856.
  1. Religious disabilities Act
  2. General Service Enlistment Act
  3. Hindu Widow Remarriage Act
  4. Abolition of the Sati (Regulation XVII)






Q-9)   Who among the following was the first Governor General of India?





Q-10)   Who is commonly known as the ‘Navigator’?





Q-11)   To which of the following governor general goes the credit of taking steps to stop the human sacrifices practiced by the Khonds in Orissa under the erroneous belief that there by the fertility of the land was increased?





Q-12)   Which of the following was not one of the social reform measures introduced by William Bentinck?





Q-13)   After his return to Britain, Robert Clive died in 1774 due to





Q-14)   Consider the following statements and identify the person referred to therein with the help of the codes given below
  1. During his stay in England, he endeavored to educate the British people about their responsibilities as rulers of India.
  2. He delivered speeches and published articles to support his opposition to the unjust and oppressive regime of the British Raj.
  3. In 1867, he helped to establish the East India Association of which he became the Honorary Secretary.






Q-15)   Lord Dalhousie introduced the first telegraph line in 1853, which ran between:





Q-16)   Why did British resort to the ‘Downward Filtration Theory’ till 1854





Q-17)   Why did British resort to the ‘Downward Filtration Theory’ till 1854





Q-18)   The suppression of Indian language newspapers under the Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was caused by the criticism of





Q-19)   Awadh was annexed by Lord Dalhousie in 1856. Which one of the following statements about Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Awadh, is not correct?





List I List-II
A. Hindu widow’s remarriage 1. William Bentinck
B. Prohibition of Sati 2. Lansdowne
C. Age of Consent Act 3. Ellenborough
D. Abolition of slavery 4. Dalhousie




