Practice Medival Delhi Sultanate - Indian History Mcq Online Quiz (Set-1) For All Competitive Exams
Q-1) The land which directly yielded revenue to the Sultan was known as
The land which directly yielded revenue to the Sultan was known as Khalisa.
Q-2) Which one of the following travellers is not associated with the description of the glories of Vijayanagar kingdom?
Q-3) Who among the following established Delhi as the capital of Sultanate?
Iltutmish established Delhi as the capital of Sultanate. After the death of Aibak, the governor of Bengal revolted. He was defeated by Iltutmish. Iltutmish conquered Ujjain, Ranthambh or, Gwalior and Malwa and gained control overthe whole of north India. Iltutmish suppressed the revolts of the Amires in the areas around Delhi. He made Delhi his capital.
Q-4) Which Muslim ruler played Holi for the first time in Medieval India?
Q-5) Tarikh-e-Ferozshahi was written by
Tarikh-e-Firozshahi was written by Jiyauddin Barni andAfif.This book gives detailsfrom throaning of Balban to the decline of Tughlaq dynasty.
Q-6) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:
List I
List II
A. Muftis
1. Intelligence of Agents
B. Barid
2. Exponder of Law
C. Kotwal
3. Minister of Incharge of Army
D. Arz-i-mamalik
4. Head of City Administration
Codes: A B C D
List I | List II |
A. Muftis | 1. Intelligence of Agents |
B. Barid | 2. Exponder of Law |
C. Kotwal | 3. Minister of Incharge of Army |
D. Arz-i-mamalik | 4. Head of City Administration |
Muftis were exponder of law. Barid were Agents of intelligence. Kotwal was the head of city administration. Arz-i-mamalik were the minister of incharge of Army. The barid-i-mumalik was the head of the central office, and his agents sent in reports from all over the country.
This system was of great importance in controlling local governments. Kotwals often controlled the fort of a major town or an area of smaller towns on behalf of another ruler. It was similar in function to a British India Zaildar. During his time the army was directly recruited by the army minister (ariz— mamalik). It was paid in cash form the royal treasury.
Q-7) Who of the following was the first woman ruler of medieval India?
Razia Sultan was the first woman ruler of medieval India. Sultan Iltutmish had nominated his daughter Razia Sultan asthe next Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate. She was much more able and qualified than any of her brothers. Thusshe became the first woman ruler of medieval India.
List I
List II
A. Minhaj Siraj
1. Tarikh-i-Firuz
B. Amir Khusrau
2. Tajul Ma’asir
C. Hasan Nizami
3. Khazainul Futuh
D. Shams-i-Siraj Afif
4. Tabaqat-i-Nasiri
Codes: A B C D
List I | List II |
(Author) | (Works) |
A. Minhaj Siraj | 1. Tarikh-i-Firuz |
B. Amir Khusrau | 2. Tajul Ma’asir |
C. Hasan Nizami | 3. Khazainul Futuh |
D. Shams-i-Siraj Afif | 4. Tabaqat-i-Nasiri |
List I
List II
A. Alauddin Khilji
1. Agra
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
2. Siri Fort
C. Feroz Shah Tughlaq
3. Tughlaqabad
D. Sikander Lodi
4. Hissar
Codes: A B C D
List I | List II |
A. Alauddin Khilji | 1. Agra |
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq | 2. Siri Fort |
C. Feroz Shah Tughlaq | 3. Tughlaqabad |
D. Sikander Lodi | 4. Hissar |
Q-10) Which of the following statements are correct about Iltutmish?
- He introduced the Arabic coinage into India and the silver tanka weighing 175 grams became a standard coin in medieval India.
- He created a new class of ruling elite of forty powerful military leaders, the Forty.
- He received the mansur, the letter of recognition, from the Abbasid Caliph in 1229.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
The silver tanka remained the basis of the modern rupee. Iltutmish received the Mansur by which he became the legal sovereign ruler of India. Later he nominated his daughter Raziya as his successor.
Thus the hereditary succession to Delhi Sultanate was initiated by Iltutmish.
Q-11) What was the name of Jain saint with whom Muhammad Tughlaq held discussions?
Q-12) Who among the following scholars has been given the title of Hujjat-ul-Islam?
Q-13) In the ensuing Second Battle of Tarain in 1192, Muhammad Ghori thoroughly routed the army of Prithiviraj, who was captured and killed. Causes for the failure of Hindu kingdoms were –
- lack of unity among Hindu princes
- mutual conflict among Hindu princes
- military methods of Hindu princes were out of date and far inferior to those of Muslims.
- Hindu princes continued to rely on elephants while the Muslims possessed quick-moving cavalry.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
The causes for the downfall of Hindu states have to be analysed historically. The most important cause was that they lacked unity. They were divided by factions. The Rajput princes exhausted one another by their mutual conflicts.
Secondly, many Hindu states were declining in power. The Muslims soldiers had better organization and able leaders.
Their religious zeal and their greed for the greater wealth of India provided the stimulus to them. Among the Hindus, the duty of fighting was confined to a particular class, the Kshatriyas. Moreover, the Hindus were always on the defensive, which was always a weak position.
Q-14) The capital of the Sharqi dynasty was
The capital of the Sharqi dynasty was Jaunpur. The Jaunpur sultanate was ruled by the Sharqi dynasty. The Khwajah-i-Jahan Malik Sarwar, the first ruler of the dynasty was a wazir (minister) under Sultan Nasiruddin Muhammad Shah IV Tughlaq (1390–1394). In 1394, he established himself as an independent ruler of Jaunpur and extended his authority over Awadh and a large part of GangesYamuna doab.
Q-15) Which Sultan introduced the practices of Sijda, Paibos and Nawroz in the Delhi Sultanate?
Q-16) Which of the following works describes the qualities of an ideal Muslim ruler?
Fatwa-e-Jahandari’describesthe qualities of an ideal Muslim ruler. The Fatwa-i-Jahandari is a work containing the political ideals to be pursued by a Muslim ruler in order to earn religious merit and the gratitude of his subjects.
Q-17) Who among the following was the author of Tarikh-i- Alai, which contains the details of the first few years of Sultan Alauddin Khilji ?
Q-18) During the reign of which Delhi Sultan, the state department of translation was established for translating Sanskrit texts into Arabic-Persian and vice-versa?
During the reign of Sikandar Lodi, the state department of translation was established for translating Sanskrit texts into Arabic-Persian and vice-versa. He was patron of learning. He used to compose poems in the name of ‘Gulrukhi’. He got translated the Sanskrit book of‘Ayurveda’intoArabic language in the name of Farhang-i-Sikandari.
Q-19) Who built the city of Nagalapura?
Q-20) Ijaradari system was first introduced in
Ijaradari system was first introduced in Jagir lands.