Practice Largest and smallest value - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Out of the numbers 0.3, 0.03, 0.9, 0.09 the number that is nearest to the value of $√{0.9}$ is





Q-2)   The greatest among the numbers $√{0.09}, √^3{0.064},$ 0.5 and $3/5$ is






$√{0.09}, √^3{0.064},$ 0.5 and $3/5$


$√^3{0.064}=0.4$; 0.5;

$3/5$= 0.6

Clearly, $√{0.09}<√^3{0.064}<0.5<3/5$

Q-3)   The greatest of the following numbers 0.16, $√{0.16}, (0.16)^2$, 0.04 is






0.16, $√{0.16}, (0.16)^2$, 0.04




0.0256 < 0.04 < 0.16 < $√{0.16}$

Q-4)   The greatest number among $3^50 , 4^40, 5^30$ and $6^20$ is






$3^50 , 4^40, 5^30$ and $6^20$





∴ Largest number =$4^40$

Q-5)   The greatest number among $2^60, 3^48, 4^36$ and $5^24$ is






$2^60, 3^48, 4^36$ and $5^24$

$2^60 = (2^5)^12 =(32)^12$

$5^24 = (5^2)^12 =(25)^12$

$2^60 >5^24$

$3^48 =(3^4)^12 =(81)^12$

$3^48 >2^60$

$4^36 =(4^3)^12 = (64)^12$

$3^48$ is the largest number

Q-6)   The smallest among the numbers $2^250, 3^150, 5^100$ and $4^200$










∴ The smallest number =$(5)^100$

Q-7)   Which one of the following is the least? $√3, √^3{2}, √2$ and $√^3{4}$






$√3, √^3{2}, √2$ and $√^3{4}$

LCM of 2 and 3 = 6

$√3 = (3)^{1/2}=3^{3/6}=(3^3)^{1/6}=√^6{27}$

$√^3{2} = √^6{2^2} =√^6{4}$

$√{2} = √^6{2^3} =√^6{8}$

$√^3{4} = √^6{4^2} =√^6{16}$

Q-8)   The smallest among $√^6{12}, √^3{4}, √^4{5}, √3$ is






$√^6{12}, √^3{4}, √^4{5}, √3$

LCM of indices of surds

= LCM of 6, 3, 4 and 2 = 12

$√^6{12} =√^12{2^2}=√^12{144}$

$√^3{4} =√^12{4^4}=√^12{256}$

$√^4{5} =√^12{5^3}=√^12{125}$

$√3 =√^12{3^6}=√^12{729}$

The smallest surd = $√^4{5}$

Q-9)   The greatest number among $√^3{2}, √3, √^3{5}$ and 1.5 is :






$√^3{2}, √3, √^3{5}$ and 1.5

LCM of 3 and 2 = 6.




1.5 =$√{2.25}=√^6{(2.225)^3}$

Q-10)   The least one of $2√3, 2√^4{5}, √8$ and $3√2$ is






$2√3, 2√^4{5}, √8$ and $3√2$

The orders of the surds are 2, 4, 2 and 2. Their LCM = 4

We convert each surd into a surd of order 4.





Hence, the least number =$√8$