Practice Indian History Mcq - Indian History Mcq Online Quiz (Set-2) For All Competitive Exams

List I List II
A. Nagara 1. Fortified settlements in Vedic literature
B. Pura 2. Town in Pali literature
C. Nigama 3. Fortified capital of a king
D. Durga 4. City/town first mentioned in Taittiriya






Q-2)   Which of the following are important rock-painting sites of Prehistoric Rock Art?
  1. Murhana Pahar in Uttar Pradesh
  2. Bhimbetka, Adamgarh, Lakha Juar in Madhya Pradesh
  3. Kupagallu in Karnataka
  4. Chargul in north-west Pakistan.
Select the answer from the codes given below:






Almost all the rock-shelters in India occupied by the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic people, and many others as well, contain rock-paintings depicting a variety of subjects, chiefly animals, or scenes including both people and animals. The distribution of these rock-paintings is very wide.

They have been found in Chargul in north-west Pakistan to Orissa in the east, and from the Kumaon hills in the north to Kerala in the south.

Q-3)   Which of the following are the important sites of Lower Palaeolithic cultures in India?
  1. Pahalgam in Kashmir, Belan valley in Allahabad district (Uttar Pradesh)
  2. Bhimbetka and Adamgarh in Hoshangabad district, (Madhya Pradesh)
  3. 16 Rand Singi Talav in Nagaur district (Rajasthan)
  4. Nevasa in Ahmadnagar district (Maharashtra)
Select the answer from the codes given below






Other important sites of Lower Palaeolithic cultures are Hunsgi in Gulburga district (in Kanlataka) and the famous site of Attirampakkam (Tamil Nadu).

The sites have been widespread in Sivalik range of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Belan valley in Uttar Pradesh, Berach basin and the hilly area of Rajasthan, and Narmada and Sone valleys in Madhya Pradesh, Malprabha and Ghatprabha basins in Karnataka, several areas of Maharashtra, areas near Chennai in Tamil Nadu and Chhota Nagpur plateau, and in areas of Orissa, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh.

Q-4)   Which one of the following species of fauna has been widely appreciated as pre-historic India’s gift to the world?





Q-5)   Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the Neolithic Age?
  1. The ceramic occupation (c. 7000 B.C.) at Kile Ghul Mohammad during the early food-producing era shows a basic subsistence economy of the Indus valley and beginning of trade and crafts.
  2. From the bone remains, it is clear that humped variety of cattle also came to be domesticated.
  3. The beads found with burial remains show that people used beads made of lapis lazuli, carnelian, banded agate and white marine shell.
  4. A single copper bead has also been found. The occurrence of shell bangles and pendants made of mother of- pearl indicates long-distance trade.
Select the answer from the codes given below:






The ceramic occupation (c. 7000 B.C.) at Mehrgarh during the early food-producing era shows a basic subsistence economy of the Indus valley and beginning of trade and crafts.

The ceramic Neolithic occupation (c. 7000 B.C.) at Mehrgarh during the early food-producing era shows a basic subsistence economy of the Indus valley and beginning of trade and crafts.

Q-6)   Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct with regard to the Neolithic Age
  1. Three radiocarbon dates from Koldihwa provide the earliest evidence for the domesticated variety of rice going back to about c. 6500 B.C. which make it the oldest evidence of rice in any part of the world.
  2. The bone remains from Koldihwa and Mahgara show that cattle, sheep and goat were domesticated in the region.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?






In all probability agriculture in the Belan va1ley began around c. 6500 B.C. Besides rice, evidence for barley cultivation is attested at Mahgara.

In Mahgara, evidence of a cattle pen has also been met with. In the north-west, the early Neolithic settlers, in Burzahom lived in pit dwellings, rather than building houses over the ground.

Q-7)   Eran is a Chalcolithic site belonging to which culuture?





Q-8)   Consider the following statements regarding the cultivation of Chalcolithic people:
  1. They raised cattle as well as cultivated both Kharif and rabi crops in rotation
  2. Wheat and barley were grown in the area of Inamgaon and Ahar
  3. They also cultivated jowar and bajra and so also kulth, ragi, green peas, lentil and green and black grams.
Select the answer from the codes given below:






Rice is reported to have been found from Inamgaon and Ahar. Wheat and barley were grown in the area of Malwa.

Almost all the Chalcolithic cultures flourished in the black cotton soil zone.

Q-9)   Who among the following cultures were the first to paint their pottery?





Q-10)   The widespread using of Black and Red ware (BRW) and Painted Grey Ware (PGW) mark the





Q-11)   The Megaliths of South India are mainly associated with





Q-12)   The Palaeolithic Age in India is divided into three phases, based on tool technology. Which of the following phases is/are correctly matched with its tools?






The main tool types in Lower Palaeolithic Culture phase were hand axes and cleavers, along with chopper-chopping tools. They were made both on cores as well as flakes.

Q-13)   Which one of the following statements is not correct?





Q-14)   Which of the following statements is/are correct about the Neolithic culture?





Q-15)   Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the religion the Chalcolithic cultures?
  1. The worship of mother goddess and the bull was in vogue
  2. The bull cult seems to have been predominant in Malwa during the Ahar period
  3. A large number of these both naturalistic, as well as stylised lingas, have been found from most of the sites.
  4. The Mother Goddess is depicted on a huge storage jar of Inamgaon
Select the answer from the codes given below:






The Mother Goddess is depicted on a huge storage jar of Malwa culture in an applique design. She is flanked by a woman on the right and a crocodile on the left, by the side of which is represented the shrine.

Likewise, the fiddle-shaped figurines probably resembling srivatsa, the symbol of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth in historical period represents a mother Goddess.

Q-16)   Consider the following statements on Neolithic settlements in South India.
  1. Lapidary art and domestication of animals are the remarkable features of the first phase of the South Indian Neolithic settlements.
  2. The red coloured pottery was discovered in the Neolithic settlements.
  3. Millet was the main crop harvested by Neolithic farmers of south India.
  4. Crop rotation technique was started in the field of agriculture.
Which of the above is/are not correct?






Q-17)   Pick out the wrong statement with respect to the Neolithic sites of Burzahom and Gufkral.





Q-18)   Which of the following statements is/are correct about the chalcolithic settlement?





List-I List-II
A. Birbhanpur 1. Banas culture
B. Ujjain 2. Copper hoard
C. Kayatha 3. Ochre-coloured pottery
D. Ahar 4. Microliths
Codes: A B C D






Q-20)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Most of the Chalcolithic cultures flourished in semiarid regions
  2. The Jorwe settlements were comparatively larger in number than other Chalcolithic settlements
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?






Most of the Chalcolithic cultures flourished in semiarid regions of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra.

The settlements of Kayatha culture are only a few in numbers, mostly located on the Chambal and its tributaries.

Q-21)   From which of the following hoards were four massive copper replicas – of a rhinoceros, an elephant, a chariot, and a buffalo – typical or a Chalcolithic culture obtained?





Q-22)   The first metal to be used by man was





Q-23)   The goddess of vegetative fertility, worshipped during the Chalcolithic period of Jorwe culture, was





Q-24)   Which of the following ages the Homo Sapiens the human being for the first time appeared?





Q-25)   The people of the chalcolithic phase used different type of pottery, one of which is called black and red seems to have been widely prevalent from nearly





Q-26)   Archaeological evidence from which Chalcolithic site shows evidence of corporation, harvesting and irrigation?





Q-27)   The most distinguishing feature of the Cha1colithic cultures is their distinct painted pottery. Related to this which of the following statement is not correct?






Jorwe ware too is painted black-on-red but has a matt surface treated with a wash. Some of the most well-known pottery forms are dishes-on-stand, spouted vases, stemmed cups, pedestalled bowls, big storage jars, and spouted basins and bowls. The Malwa ware is rather coarse in fabric, but has a thick buff surface over which designs are made either in red or black.

List I List II
A. Palaeolithic 1. Ground stone tools
B. Mesolithic 2. Rock painting
C. Neolithic 3. Flaked stone tools
D. Upper Palaeolithic 4. Microlithic tools
Codes: A B C D






Q-29)   Consider the following statements:
  1. Middle Palaeolithic culture was quite a widespread phenomenon between 6,00,000 and 60,000 B.C.
  2. Some of the most important sites of the Middle Palaeolithic period are Bhimbetka, Nevasa, Pushkar, Rohiri hills of upper Sind, and Samnapur on Narmada.
Which of the above statement(s) is /are correct?






Lower Palaeolithic culture was quite widespread phenomenon between 6,00,000 and 60,000 B.C. On the basis of scientific dates the middle Palaeolithic period can be dated between 1,50,000 B.C. and 40,000B.C. or even slightly later.

Q-30)   In the Indian context, the Neolithic agriculture-based regions can roughly be divided into many regions. Which of the following may be called such a region?
  1. The Indus system and its western Borderland
  2. Ganga valley
  3. Western India and the northern Deccan and
  4. The southern Deccan.
Select the answer from the codes given below:






The economy of all these early Neolithic cultures was based on agriculture and animal domestication.

The earliest evidence for Neolithic culture based on the agricultural economy comes from the north-western part of the Indo-Pakistan region – basically in the Quetta valley and in the Valleys of Loralai and Zob rivers.