Practice Gain lost percentage - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If the cost price of 50 oranges is equal to the selling price of 40 oranges, then the profit per cent is






Let the C.P. of one orange = 1

C.P. of 40 oranges = Rs.40

and S.P. of 40 oranges = Rs.50

Profit = (50 - 40) = Rs.10

Profit % = $10/40 × 100$ = 25%

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 50, y = 40

Profit % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= $({50 - 40}/40) × 100$ = 25%

Q-2)   The selling price of 10 oranges is the cost price of 13 oranges. Then the profit percentage is






Let the CP of 1 orange = Rs.1

SP of 10 oranges = Rs.13

Gain percent = ${13 - 10}/10 × 100$ = 30%

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 13, y = 10

Profit % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= $({13 - 10}/10) × 100 = 300/10$ = 30%

Q-3)   The cost price of 40 articles is the same as the selling price of 25 articles. Find the gain per cent.






Gain per cent

= ${40 - 25}/25 × 100 = 15/25 × 100 = 60%$

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 40, y = 25

Gain % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= ${40 - 25}/25 × 100 = 15/25 × 100$ = 60%

Q-4)   The cost price of 36 books is equal to the selling price of 30 books. The gain per cent is :






Using Rule 8,

If cost price of 'x' articles is equal to selling price of 'y' articles,
then Selling Price = x, Cost Price = y
Hence, Profit or Loss% = ${x - y}/y × 100$

Required profit = ${36 - 30}/30 × 100$ = 20%

Q-5)   If the selling price of 10 articles is equal to the cost price of 11 articles, then the gain percent is






Let the C.P. of each article be Rs.1.

C.P. of 10 articles = Rs.10

and S.P. of 10 articles = Rs.11

Profit percent = ${11 - 10}/10 × 100$ = 10%

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 11, y = 10

Profit % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= ${11 - 10}/10 × 100 = 100/10$ = 10%

Q-6)   A person sells 400 mangoes at the cost price of 320 mangoes. His percentage of loss is






Using Rule 8,

Loss per cent = ${400 - 320}/400 × 100$

= $80/400 × 100 = 20%$

Q-7)   If the cost price of 10 articles is equal to the selling price of 16 articles, then the loss per cent is






If the CP of A articles be equal to SP of B articles, then

Loss percent = ${B - A}/B × 100$

= ${16 - 10}/16 × 100 = 6/16 × 100$ = 37.5%

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 10, y = 16

Loss % = $({y - x}/y) × 100$

= $({16 - 10}/16) × 100 = 600/16$ = 37.5%

Q-8)   If the cost price of 15 tables be equal to the selling price of 20 tables, the loss per cent is :






Let the cost price of one table = x

Cost price of 15 tables = 15x

and cost price of 20 tables = 20x

According to the question Selling price of 20 tables

= cost price of 15 tables = 15x

Loss = 20x - 15x = 5x

Loss% = ${5x × 100}/{20x} = 25%$

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 15, y = 20

Loss % = ${x - y}/y × 100$

= $({15 - 20}/20) × 100$

=${-5}/20 × 100 = -25%$

(–ve sign shows loss)

= 25%

Q-9)   The cost price of 400 lemons is equal to the selling price of 320 lemons. Then the profit percent is






Profit percent = ${400 - 320}/320 × 100$

= $80/320 × 100 = 25%$

Using Rule 8

Here, x = 400, y = 320

Gain % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= ${400 - 320}/320 × 100 =80/320 × 100 = 25%$

Q-10)   The cost price of 20 oranges is same with selling price of 16 oranges. The profit percentage is






Gain per cent = ${20 - 16}/16 × 100 = 25%$

Using Rule 8,

Here, x = 20, y = 16

Gain % = $({x - y}/y) × 100$

= ${20 - 16}/16 × 100 = 4/16 × 100 = 25%$