Practice Gain loss with cp sp - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If the profit per cent got on selling an article is numerically equal to its cost price in rupees and the selling price is 39, then cost price (in ) will be






Using Rule 3,
If an object is sold on r% Profit.

then,S.P. = C.P$[{100 + \text"Profit%"}/100]$
C.P. = S.P$[100/{100 + \text"Profit%"}]$

Similarly, If an object is sold on r% loss, then

S.P. = C.P.$[{100 - \text"Loss%"}/100]$
C.P. = S.P$[100/{100 - \text"Loss%"}]$

Let the CP of the article be x Gain % = x%

${39 - x}/x × 100$

$3900 - 100x = x^2$

$x^2 + 100x - 3900$ = 0

$x^2 + 130x - 30x - 3900$ = 0

x (x + 130) - 30 (x + 130) = 0

(x - 30) (x + 130) = 0

x = 30 as x cannot be negative

Q-2)   A merchant sold an article for 75 at a profit percent equal to its cost price. The cost price of the article was :






Using Rule 3,

Let the cost price of article be Rs.x.

$({100 + x}/100)$ of x = 75

$x^2 + 100x - 7500$ = 0

$x^2 + 150x - 50x - 7500$ = 0

x (x + 150) - 50 (x + 150) = 0

(x - 50) (x + 150) = 0

x = 50 as x can't be negative

Q-3)   On selling 17 balls at 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The cost price (in ) of a ball is






Let C.P. of a ball = x

S.P. of 17 balls = Rs.720

17x - 720 = 5x

12x = 720 ⇒ x = Rs.60

Q-4)   A clock was sold for 144. If the percentage of profit was numerically equal to the cost price, the cost of the clock was






Let the cost price be x.

(100 + x)% of x = 144

(100 + x)x = 14400

$x^2 + 100x - 14400$ = 0

$x^2 + 180x - 80x - 14400$ = 0

x(x + 180) - 80 (x + 180) = 0

(x + 180) (x - 80) = 0

x = Rs.80 [x ≠180]

Q-5)   If the profit on selling an article for 425 is the same as the loss on selling it for 355, then the cost price of the article is






Let the C.P. of article be x,

then, 425 - x = x - 355

2x = 425 + 355 = 780

x = $780/2$ = Rs.390

Q-6)   A man sold 250 chairs and had a gain equal to selling price of 50 chairs. His profit per cent is :






S.P. of 250 chairs - C.P. of 250 chairs

= S.P. of 50 chairs

S.P. of 200 chairs = C.P. of 250 chairs

profit%= ${250 - 200}/200 × 100 = 25%$

Using Rule 9,

Here, x = 250, y = 50

∴ Profit% = ${y × 100}/{x - y}$

= ${50 × 100}/{250 - 50} = 50/2$ = 25%

Q-7)   Profit after selling a commodity for 524 is the same as loss after selling it for 452. The cost price of the commodity is






Let the cost price of the commodity = Rs.x

According to the question,

524 - x = x - 452

or 2x = 524 + 452

or 2x = 976 or $x =976/2 = 488$

∴ The required price = Rs.488

Q-8)   By selling 144 hens Mahesh suffered a loss equal to the selling price of 6 hens. His loss per cent is






CP of 144 hens - SP of 144 hens = Loss = SP of 6 hens

SP of 150 hens = CP of 144 hens

Let CP of each hen = Rs.1

CP of 150 hens = Rs.150

SP of 150 hens = Rs.144

Loss% = $6/150$ × 100 = 4%

Using Rule 9, On selling 'x' articles the profit or loss is equal to Selling of 'y' articles, then Profit% ${y × 100}/{x + y}$Loss% = ${y × 100}/{x + y}$

Here, x = 144, y = 6

∴ Loss% = ${y × 100}/{x + y}$

= $600/{144 + 6}$

= $600/150$ = 4%

Q-9)   A vendor loses the selling price of 4 oranges on selling 36 oranges. His loss per cent is






S.P. of 36 oranges

= C.P. of 36 oranges - S.P. of 4 oranges

S.P. of 40 oranges = C.P. of 36 oranges

Loss per cent = $4/40 × 100 = 10%$

Using Rule 9,

Here, x = 36, y = 4

Here, loss % = ${y × 100}/{x + y}$

= ${4 × 100}/{36 + 4}$ = 10%

Q-10)   If the cost price of 28 articles is equal to the sale price of 21 articles, then the percentage of profit is :






Let the C.P. of each article be Re. 1.

C.P. of 21 articles = Rs. 21

S.P. of 21 articles = Rs. 28

∴ Profit per cent = ${28 - 21}/21 × 100$

= $100/3 = 33{1}/3%$