Practice Coding And Decoding - Verbal Reasoning Online Quiz (Set-2) For All Competitive Exams


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-1)   What is the code for the letter G?






We have already found in sol. 10 that G = j.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-2)   What is the code for the letter N?






In statements (i) and (ii), common letters are I and N and common codes are b and k.

Therefore, it is clear that IN stands for bk but not necessarily in the same order. From statement (vi), it is clear that the word has letter N and code k is given for it.

Hence, code for N is k. 


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-3)   What is the code for the letter O?






From statements (iii) and (v),

it is clear that TOR = ywc.

From statements (ii), OR = yc.

From statement (vi), R = c.

Hence, O = y.


Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

In the following questions, two Column I and II have been given. In Column I, few words are given and in Column II, their codes have been given using a particular rule. The order of the smaller letter have been placed in jumbled up form.

You have to decode the language and choose the alternative which is equal to the letter asked in the question.

Column I Column II
(1) DESIGN (A) uklbjz
(2) INFORM (B) cbxkqy
(3) MOTHER (C) ygzwxc
(4) RIGHTS (D) bjucgw
(5) TAILOR (E) wcpybv
(6) GARDEN (F) vzcjlk

Q-4)   What is the code for the letter S?






From statements (i) and (iv),

it is clear that SIG = ubj.

From statement (i), we have already found that

I = b.

Therefore, SG = uj.

Now, from statement (vi), G = j,

therefore S = u.

Q-5)   If REASON is coded as 5 and BELIEVED as 7, then what is the code for GOVERNMENT?






Clearly, each word is coded by the numeral which is 1 less than the number of letters in the word. Since there are 10 letters in the word GOVERNMENT,

so required code = 10 - 1 = 9.


In each of the questions given below, a group of digits followed by four combinations of letter codes labelled (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given. You have to find out which of the combinations is correct coded form of the group of digits as per the following codes and conditions. If none of these four combinations is correct, give your answer as (e). i.e., 'None of these' as the answer.

Digit 9 3 2 8 1 5 7 6 4 0
Letter Code M E B N K R H T D J
  1. If the first digit is an odd number and the last digit is an even number, both are to be coded as 'X'.
  2. If the first digit is an even number and the last digit is an odd number, both are to be coded as 'Y'.
  3. If either the first or the last digit is 0, then 0 is to be coded as 'W'.
[Asstt, Manager Exam, 2005]

Q-6)   328469







3 is coded as E, 2 as B, 8 as N, 4 as D, 6 as T, 9 as M.


In each of the questions given below, a group of digits followed by four combinations of letter codes labelled (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given. You have to find out which of the combinations is correct coded form of the group of digits as per the following codes and conditions. If none of these four combinations is correct, give your answer as (e). i.e., 'None of these' as the answer.

Digit 9 3 2 8 1 5 7 6 4 0
Letter Code M E B N K R H T D J
  1. If the first digit is an odd number and the last digit is an even number, both are to be coded as 'X'.
  2. If the first digit is an even number and the last digit is an odd number, both are to be coded as 'Y'.
  3. If either the first or the last digit is 0, then 0 is to be coded as 'W'.
[Asstt, Manager Exam, 2005]

Q-7)   631420







Since the last digit is 0, so 0 shall be coded as W. 6 is coded as T, 3 as E, 1 as K, 4 as D, 2 as B.

So, the code for 631420 is TEKDBW.

Q-8)   If ZEBRA can be written as 2652181, how can COBRA be written?






Putting  A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, ……, X = 24, Y = 25, Z = 26,

we have: ZEBRA > Z/E/B/R/A > 26/5/2/18/1 > 2652181.

COBRA > C/O/B/R/A > 3/15/2/18/1 > 3152181.


Study the following information carefully to answer these questions:

The digits from 0 to 9 are coded as shown below along with the exceptions I and II.

Digit 3 8 0 7 4 6 9 2 5 1
Letter Code H $ R A M % L K E &
Exception I:
  • If a number begins and ends with a non - Zero odd digit, then the first and the last digits are to coded as Y and # respectively.
  • Exception II:
  • If a number begins and ends with an even digit (including Zero), then the first and the last digits are to be coded as β and X respectively.
  • [Agriculture Officers' 2005]

    Q-9)   What does MHLEK% represent?







    M, H, L, E, K, % are codes for 4, 3, 9, 5, 2, 6 respectively.

    So, MHLEK% represents 439526.

    Q-10)   If in a certain code language 'SIMILAR' is written as 'IZORNRH', then how will 'NATURAL' be written in that language?





    Q-11)   If in a certain code language 'SPARK' is written as 'TQBSL', then how will 'FLAME' be written in that language?







    Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

    According to a code language, words in capital letters in Column I are written small letters in Column II. The letters in Column II are jumbled up. Decode the languange and choose the correct code for the word given in each questions.

    Column I Column II
    (1) CROWDY (A) blooppv
    (2) CRONY (B) jkgotv
    (3) NET (C) ijktv
    (4) CRUX (D) ikmop
    (5) ADDRESS (E) cjmv
    (6) SOUND (F) abi

    Q-12)   The code for 'TRUCE' is






    We have, T → a R → v U → m C → j E → b

    Therefore, TRUCE ⇒ avmjb


    Read the following information to answer the questions that follow.

    According to a code language, words in capital letters in Column I are written small letters in Column II. The letters in Column II are jumbled up. Decode the languange and choose the correct code for the word given in each questions.

    Column I Column II
    (1) CROWDY (A) blooppv
    (2) CRONY (B) jkgotv
    (3) NET (C) ijktv
    (4) CRUX (D) ikmop
    (5) ADDRESS (E) cjmv
    (6) SOUND (F) abi

    Q-13)   Which of the following options stands for 'TODAY'?






    We have, T → a O → k D → o A → l Y → t

    Therefore, TODAY ⇒ akolt

    Q-14)   If 'black' means 'pink', 'pink' means 'blue', 'blue' means 'white', 'white' means 'yellow', 'yellow' means 'red' and 'red' means 'brown', then what is the colour of clear sky?







    The colour of the clear sky is 'blue'.

    But, as given, 'pink' means 'blue'.

    So, the colour of the clear sky is 'pink'.

    Q-15)   If 'wall' is called 'window', 'window' is called 'door', 'door' is called 'floor', 'floor' is called 'roof' and 'roof' is called 'ventilator', what will a person stand on?







    A person will stand on the 'floor' and 'floor' is called 'roof'.

    So, a person will stand on the 'roof'.

    Q-16)   In a certain code, 'DOWN' is written as '5@9#' and 'NAME' is written as '#6%3'. How would 'MODE' be written in that code?







    As, D5 O@ W → 9 N → # and N → # A → 6 M% E3

    Similarly, M → % O → @ D → 5 E → 3

    Therefore, MODE ⇒ % @ 53

    Q-17)   If in a certain code language 'LAP' is coded as 'KMZBOQ', then how will 'NOTE' be written in that language?







    Each letter is coded with its left and right letters in English alphabet.

    Q-18)   If in a certain code, 'DAUGHTER' is written as 'TERDAUGH', how will 'APTITUDE' be written in that code? 






    As, D A U G H T E R → T E R D A U G H

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 → 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5

    Similarly, A P T I T U D E → U D E A P T I T

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 → 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5

    Therefore, APTITUDE ⇒ UDEAPTIT

    Q-19)   If 'VEHEMENT' is written as 'VEHETNEM' then how 'MOURNFUL' be written in that code language?






    Q-20)   If in a certain code, 'EXPLAINING' is written as 'PXEALNIGNI'. How will 'PRODUCED' be written in that language?






    As, E X P L A I N I N G → P X E A L N I G N I

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 → 3 2 1 5 4 7 6 10 9 8

    Similarly, P R O D U C E D → O R P U D D E C

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 → 3 2 1 5 4 8 7 6

    Therefore, PRODUCED ⇒ ORPUDDEC

    Here, the first three and the last letters are reversed as pairs, and the rest of the letters are reversed in pairs of two letters.