Practice Ci becomes n times after t years - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If a sum of money compounded annually becomes 1.44 times of itself in 2 years, then the rate of interest per annum is






A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

1.44P = P$(1 + R/100)^2$

$(1.2)^2 = (1 + R/100)^2$

$1 + R/100$ = 1.2

R = 0.2 × 100 = 20%

Using Rule 8,

Here, n = 1.44, t = 2 years

R% = $(n^{1/6} - 1) × 100%$

= $[(1.44)^{1/2} - 1] × 100%$

= [(1.2) - 1] × 100%

= 0.2 × 100% ⇒ R% = 20%

Q-2)   If the amount is 2.25 times of the sum after 2 years at compound interest (compound annually), the rate of interest per annum is :






Suppose P = Rs.100

and amount A = Rs.225

A = P$(1 + r/100)^t$

or 225 = $100(1 + r/100)^2$

or $225/100 = [1 + r/100]^2$

or 1 + $r/100 = 15/10$

or ${100 + r}/100 = 15/10$

or 100 + r = 150

or r = 50%

Using Rule 8,
If a sum becomes 'n' times of itself in 't' years on compound interest, then R% = $[n^{1/t} - 1] × 100%$

Here, n = 2.25, t = 2 years

R% = $(n{1/t} - 1) × 100%$

R% = $[(2.25)^{1/2} - 1]$ × 100%

= [1.5 - 1] × 100%

= 0.5 × 100% = 50%

Q-3)   A sum of money becomes eight times of itself in 3 years at compound interest. The rate of interest per annum is






Let the principal be x and the rate of compound interest be r% per annum. Then,

$8x = x(1 + r/100)^3$

8 = $(1 + r/100)^3$

$2^3 = (1 + r/100)^3$

2 = $1 + r/100 ⇒ r/100 = 1 ⇒ r = 100%$

Using Rule 8,
If a sum becomes 'n' times of itself in 't' years on compound interest, then R% = $[n^{1/t} - 1] × 100%$

Here, n = 8, t = 3 years.

R% = $[n^{1/t} - 1] × 100%$

= $[8^{1/3} - 1] × 100%$

= $[(2^3)^{1/3} - 1] × 100%$ = 100%

Q-4)   A sum of money becomes 1.331 times in 3 years as compound interest. The rate of interest is






If principal = Rs.1000, amount = Rs.1331

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

$1331/1000 = (1 + R/100)^3$

$(11/10)^3 = (1 + R/100)^3$

$1 + R/100 = 11/10$

$R/100 = 1/10$

R = $1/10 × 100$ = 10%

Using Rule 8,
If a sum becomes 'n' times of itself in 't' years on compound interest, then R% = $[n^{1/t} - 1] × 100%$

Here, n = 1.331, t = 3 years

R% = $(n^{1/t} - 1) × 100%$

= $[(1.331)^{1/3} - 1] × 100%$

= [1.1 - 1] × 100%

= 0.1 × 100% ⇒ R% = 10%

Q-5)   At what rate percent per annum of compound interest, will a sum of money become four times of itself in two years ?






A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

4 = $(1 + R/100)^2$

1 + $R/100$ = 2

$R/100$ = 1 ⇒ R = 100%

Using Rule 8,

Here, n = 4, t = 2 years

R% = $(n^{1/t} - 1)$ × 100%

= $((4)^{1/2} - 1)$ × 100% = 100%

Q-6)   A sum of money becomes eight times in 3 years, if the rate is compounded annually. In how much time will the same amount at the same compound rate become sixteen times?






Let the principal be Rs.1.

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

8 = 1$(1 + R/100)^3$

$2^3 = 1(1 + R/100)^3$

2 = 1$(1 + R/100)^1$

$2^4 = (1 + R/100)^4$

Time = 4 years

Using Rule 11,

Here, $x = 8, n_1 = 3, y = 16, n_2$ = ?

Using $x^{1/n_1} = y^{1/n_2}$

$(8)^{1/3} = (16)^{1/n_2}$

$(2^3)^{1/3} = (2^4)^{1/n_2}$

$2^1 = 2^{4/n_2}$

1= $4/n_2$

$n_2$ = 4 years

Q-7)   A sum of money at compound interest amounts to thrice itself in 3 years. In how many years will it be 9 times itself ?






A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

Let P = Rs.1, then A = Rs.3

3 = 1$(1 + R/100)^3$

On squaring both sides,

9 = 1$(1 + R/100)^6$

Time = 6 years

Using Rule 11,

Here, $x = 3, n_1 = 3, y = 9, n_2$ = ?

Using, $x^{1/n_1} = y^{1/n_2}$

$(3)^{1/3} = (9)^{1/n_2}$

$3^{1/3} = (3^2)^{1/n_2}$

$3^{1/3} = 3^{2/n_2}$

$1/3 = 2/n_2 ⇒ n_2$ = 6 years

Q-8)   A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years. In how many years, it would amount to eight times of itself at the same rate of interest ?






Let the Principal be P and rate of interest be r%.

2 P = P$(1 + r/100)^2$

2 = $(1 + r/100)^5$ ...(i)

On cubing both sides,

8 = $(1 + r/100)^15$

Time = 15 years

Using Rule 5,

Here, m = 2, t = 5 years

It becomes 8 times = $2^3$ times

in t × n = 5 × 3 = 15 years

Q-9)   A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 4 years. In how many years will it amount to four times itself ?






A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

Let P be Rs.1, then A = Rs.2

2 = 1$(1 + R/100)^4$

$2^2 = (1 + R/100)^8$

Time = 8 years

Using Rule 11,

Here, $x = 2, n_1 = 4, y = 4, n_2$ = ?

Using $x^{1/n_1} = y^{1/n_2}$

$(2)^{1/4} = (4)^{1/n_2}$

$(2)^{1/4} = (2^2)^{1/n_2}$

$2^{1/4} = 2^{1/n_2}$

$1/4 = 2/n_2$

$n_2$ = 8 years

Q-10)   A sum of money invested at compound interest doubles itself in 6 years. At the same rate of interest it will amount to eight times of itself in :






Let the sum be x. Then,

$2x = x(1 + r/100)^6$

2 = $(1 + r/100)^6$

Cubing both sides,

8 =$((1 + r/100)^6)^3$

8 = $(1 + r/100)^18$

$8x = x(1 + r/100)^18$

The sum will be 8 times in 18 years.

i.e., Time = 18 years

Using Rule 5,

Here, m = 2, t = 6 years

It will becomes 8 times of itself

= $2^3$ times of it self

in t × n years = 6 × 3 = 18 years