Practice Basic problems using formula - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   A sum of Rs.8000 will amount to Rs.8820 in 2 years if the interest is calculated every year. The rate of compound interest is






Using Rule 1,

If the rate of C.I. be r% per annum, then

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

8820 = 8000$(1 + r/100)^2$

$8820/8000 = (1 + r/100)^2$

$441/400 = (21/20)^2 = (1 + r/100)^2$

$1 + r/100 = 21/20$

$r/100 = 21/20 - 1 = 1/20$

r = $1/20$ × 100

r = 5% per annum

Q-2)   At what rate per annum will Rs.32000 yield a compound interest of Rs.5044 in 9 months interest being compounded quarterly ?






Using Rule 1,

Let the rate of CI be R per cent per annum.

CI = P$[(1 + R/100)^T - 1]$

5044 = 32000$[(1 + R/400)^3 - 1]$

[Since, Interest is compounded quarterly]

$5044/32000 = (1 + R/400)^3 - 1$

$(1 + R/400)^3 - 1 = 1261/8000$

$(1 + R/400)^3 = 1 + 1261/8000$

$(1 + R/400)^3 = 9261/8000 = (21/20)^3$

1 + $R/400 = 21/20$

$R/400 = 21/20 - 1 = 1/20$

R = $400/20$ = 20

Q-3)   A sum of money on compound interest amounts to Rs.10648 in 3 years and Rs.9680 in 2 years. The rate of interest per annum is :






Using Rule 1,

Let the sum be P and rate of interest be R% per annum. Then,

$P(1 + R/100)^2 = 9680$ ...(i)

$P(1 + R/100)^3 = 10648$ ...(ii)

On dividing equation (ii) by (i)

$1 + R/100 = 10648/9680$

$R/100 = 10648/9680$ -1

= ${10648 - 9680}/9680$

$R/100 = 968/9680 = 1/10$

R = $1/10 × 100$ = 10%

Q-4)   At what percent per annum will Rs.3000/- amounts to Rs.3993/- in 3 years if the interest is compounded annually?






Using Rule 1,
If A = Amount, P = Principal, r = Rate of Compound Interest (C.I.), n = no. of years then,
A=P$(1 + r/100)^n$, C.I. = A - P
C.I. = P$[(1 + r/100)^n - 1]$

P = Rs.3000, A = Rs.3993, n = 3 years

A = P$(1 + r/100)^n$

$(1 + r/100)^n = A/P$

$(1 + r/100)^3 = 3993/3000 = 1331/1000$

$(1 + r/100)^3 = (11/10)^3$

1 + $r/100 = 11/10$

$r/100 = 11/10$ - 1

$r/100 = 1/10 ⇒ r = 100/10$ = 10%

Q-5)   At what rate per cent per annum will a sum of Rs.1,000 amounts to Rs.1,102.50 in 2 years at compound interest ?






Using Rule 1,

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

Let rate be 'r'

${1102.50}/1000 = (1 + r/100)^2$

$11025/10000 = (1 + r/100)^2$

$(105/100)^2 = (1 + r/100)^2$

1 + $r/100 = 105/100$

$r/100 = 5/100$ = 5%

Q-6)   The compound interest on Rs.6,000 at 10% per annum for 1$1/2$ years, when the interest being compounded annually, is






Amount = 6000$(1 + 10/100) × (1 + {{1/2} × 10}/100)$

= $6000 × 11/10 × 21/20$ = Rs.6930

Using Rule 4,
If the time is in fractional form i.e.,t = nF, then
A = P$(1 + r/100)^n(1 + {rF}/100)$e.g. t =3$5/7$ yrs, then
A = P$(1 + r/100)^3(1 + r/100 × 5/7)$

Here, t = nF

A = P$(1 + r/100)^n(1 + {rF}/100)$

CI = Rs.(6930 - 6000) = Rs.930

Q-7)   The principal, which will amount to Rs.270.40 in 2 years at the rate of 4% per annum compound interest, is






Using Rule 1,

Let the principal be Rs.P.

270.40 = P $(1 + 4/100)^2$

270.40 = P $(1 + 0.04)^2$

P = ${270.40}/{1.04 × 1.04}$ = Rs.250

Q-8)   The time in which Rs.80,000 amounts to Rs.92,610 at 10% p.a. compound interest, interest being compounded semi annually is :






Using Rule 1 and 2,

Time = t half year

and R = 5% per half year

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

$92610/80000 = (1 + 5/100)^T$

$9261/8000 = (21/20)^T$

T = 3 half years or 1$1/2$ years

$(21/20)^3 = (21/20)^T$

Q-9)   The compound interest on Rs.8,000 at 15% per annum for 2 years 4 months, compounded annually is:






Using Rule 1,

Amount = P$(1 + R/100)^t$

= 8000$(1 + 15/100)^{2{1}/3}$

= 8000$(1 + 3/20)^2(1 + 3/{20 × 3})$

= $8000 × 23/20 × 23/20 × 21/20$ = Rs.11109

Compound Interest

= Rs.(11109 - 8000) = Rs.3109.

Q-10)   In what time Rs.8,000 will amount to Rs.9,261 at 10% per annum compound interest, when the interest is compounded half yearly ?






Using Rule 1 and 2,

Interest is compounded half yearly.

Rate of interest = 5%

Time = $n/2$ years (let)

or n half-years

A = P$(1 + R/100)^T$

9261 = 8000$(1 + 5/100)^n$

$9261/8000 = (21/20)^n$

$(21/20)^3 = (21/20)^n$

n = 3 half years

= $3/2$ years = $1{1}/2$ years