Practice Basic cp and sp - quantitative aptitude Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   If the cost price is 95% of the selling price, what is the profit per cent ?






If the cost price be Rs.x, then

S.P. = $100/95x = Rs.20/19x$

Gain = ${20x}/19 - x = Rs.x/19$

Gain per cent = ${x/19}/x × 100 = 5.26%$

Using Rule 3,

Here C.P. = $95/100$ S.P.

C.P. = S.P.$(100/{100 + Profit%})$

$95/100$ S.P.

= S.P.$(100/{100 + Profit%})$

9500 + 95 profit% = 10000

Profit % = $500/95$ = 5.26%

Q-2)   A man bought an old typewriter for Rs.1200 and spent Rs.200 on its repair. He sold it for Rs.1680. His profit per cent is :






Using Rule 1,

Total cost of typewriter = Rs. (1200 + 200) = Rs.1400

S.P. = Rs.1680

Profit = Rs. (1680 - 1400) = Rs.280

Profit % = $280/1400 × 100 = 20%$

Q-3)   If a shirt costs Rs.64 after 20% discount is allowed, what was its original price in Rs.?






If the original cost of shirt be x, then

$x × 80/100 = 64$

$x = {64 × 100}/80$ = Rs.80

Q-4)   If the cost price of an article is 80% of its selling price, the profit per cent is :






Using Rule 1,

S.P. = Rs.100; C.P. = Rs.80

Gain = Rs.20

∴ Gain per cent = $20/80 ×100$ = 25%

Q-5)   By selling 33 metres of cloth, a person gains the cost of 11 metres. Find his gain%.






Gain per cent

= $11/33 × 100 = 100/3 = 33{1}/3$%

Q-6)   A retailer buys a radio for Rs.225. His overhead expenses are Rs.15. He sells the radio for Rs.300. The profit per cent of the retailer is :






Using Rule 1,

Actual C.P. = 225 + 15 = Rs.240

Gain = 300 - 240 = Rs.60

Gain per cent = $60/240 × 100 = 25%$

Q-7)   While selling to the retailer, a company allows 30% discount on the marked price of their products. If the retailer sells those products at marked price, his profit % will be :






If the marked price of the product be Rs.100, then

C.P. = Rs.70; S.P. retailer = Rs.100

∴ Gain per cent

= $30/70 × 100 = 300/7= 42{6}/7$%

Q-8)   Krishnan bought a camera and paid 20% less than its original price. He sold it at 40% profit on the price he had paid. The per centage of profit earned by Krishnan on the original price was






Let the original price be Rs.x.

= $80/100 × x = Rs.{4x}/5$

SP = ${4x}/5 × 140/100 = Rs.{28x}/25$

Gain on original price

=${28x}/25 - x ={3x}/25$

∴ Gain % = ${3x}/{25x}$ × 100 = 12%

Q-9)   Nisha bought a number of oranges at 2 for a rupee and an equal number at 3 for a rupee. To make a profit of 20% she should sell a dozen for






Total oranges bought = 12 (let)

Their cost price = 3 + 2 = Rs.5

For profit of 20%,

S. P. = ${5 × 120}/100$ = Rs.6

Q-10)   The total cost of 8 buckets and 5 mugs is Rs.92 and the total cost of 5 buckets and 8 mugs is Rs.77. Find the cost of 2 mugs and 3 buckets.






C.P. of 1 bucket = x

C.P. of 1 mug = y

8x + 5y = 92 .....(i)

5x + 8y = 77 .....(ii)

By using equation (i) × 5 - equation (ii) × 8,

40x + 25y - 40x - 64y

= 460 - 616

- 39y = - 156 ⇒ y = 4

From equation (i),

8x + 20 = 92

8x = 92 - 20 = 72 ⇒ x = 9

C.P. of 2 mugs and 3 buckets

= 2 × 4 + 3 × 9

= 8 + 27 = Rs.35