Practice Bank exams set 1 - general science mcq Online Quiz (set-1) For All Competitive Exams

Q-1)   Which element is more electronegative among halogens?





Q-2)   On moving horizontally across a period, the number of electrons in the outermost shell increases from ...... to .......





Q-3)   Which element forms the highest number of compounds in the periodic table?





Q-4)   Which one of the following is a diagonally related pair?





Q-5)   Consider the following statements :
  1. The molecules in a gas are in constant motion.
  2. Gases have the same pressure throughout the entire atmosphere.
  3. Gas molecules are always evenly distributed in the atmosphere.
Which of these statement(s) given above is/are correct ?





Q-6)   Which one of the following is most electropositive element?






Alkali metals are most electropositive in their respective period. i.e. they have maximum tendency to lose electron and form a cation.

Q-7)   Change of water into the vapour is called





Q-8)   Which of the following elements A, B, C, D and E with atomic number 3, 11, 15, 18 and 19 respectively belong to the same group?






A(Z = 3);

B(Z = 11) and

E(Z = 19) are all alkali metals.

Q-9)   Match List-I (Oxidation number) with List-II (the element) and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists
List-I (Oxidation number) List-II (The element)
A. 2 1. Oxidation number of Mn in MnO2
B. 3 2. Oxidation number of S in H2SO4
C. 4 3. Oxidation number of Ca in CaO
D. 6 4. Oxidation number of Al in NaAlH4
Code: A B C D






Q-10)   Because of impurities the boiling point of a liquid



