Practice Ancient South Sangam Period - Indian History Mcq Online Quiz (Set-1) For All Competitive Exams
Q-1) In which of the following respects did the Romans not profoundly influenced Indian life and culture?
Q-2) What was the proportion of production charged as land revenue?
Q-3) What was the mode of exchange in rural regions of the Chola state?
Q-4) Which of the following was not one of the better known agricultural products of the Sangam Age?
Q-5) What were the popular assemblies of Cholas period?
Q-6) Who among the following was the author of the Tamil Ramayanam or Ramavataram?
Q-7) Third Sangam was held at
Q-8) The most favourite God of the Tamils during the Sangam Age was:
Q-9) Which of the following was not one of the royal dynasties of the Tamil country during the Sangam Age?
Q-10) Which among the following dynasties, King declared their successor in own tenure?
Q-11) Which of the following statements are correct with regarding socio-economic life of Chola?- Jainism flourished during the Chola period.
- The temples remained centres of economic activity during Chola period.
- The weaving industry, particularly the silk-weaving at Kanchi flourished.
- Arabian horses were imported in large numbers to strengthen the cavalry.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
Saivism and Vaishnavism continued to flourish during the Chola period. Both agriculture and industry flourished. Reclamation of forest lands and the construction and maintenance of irrigation tanks led to agricultural prosperity. Commercial contacts between the Chola Empire and China, Sumatra, Java and Arabia were extensively prevalent.
Q-12) The Chola king who had the title Madhuraikonda is
Q-13) Which of the following pairs of dynasties and cognomens used by them is/are correctly matched?
- Cholas: Rajakesari and Parakesari
- Pandyas: Satyavakya and Nitimarga
- Western: Maravarman and Gangas Chadaiyavarman
Select the answer from the code given below:
Q-14) Which of the following statements are correct with regard to Kannada literature during Rastrakuta period?- The Kannada literature saw its beginning during the period of the Rashtrakutas.
- Amogavarsha’s Kavirajamarga was the first poetic work in Kannada language.
- Pampa was the greatest of the Kannada poets who wrote Vikramasenavijaya.
- Ponna was another famous Kannada poet and he wrote Santipurana.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
Pampa is one of the greatest Kannada poets of all time. His commendable work, Adipurana, written in Champu style – a mixed form of prose and verse – is a Kannada version of the Sanskrit work by Jinasena and details in 16 cantos the life of the first tirthankara of Jainism. Sensitive, modest and imaginative, Pampa has earned a veritable place in the world of Kannada literature, which has remained unquestioned.
Q-15) What were the impacts of Kautilya’s Arthashastra in Mauryan empire ?- The Arthashastra provided the state management of large scale trade and industry and exercise of effective control over every occupation.
- It laid emphasis on education and moral training to the future king.
- The Arthashastra maintained the state council to formulate the policy of the state
Which of the above statements is / are correct.
Q-16) One of the religious beliefs of the Sangam people, which was primitive in nature, was:
Q-17) Who established Mamallapuram?
Q-18) Famous South Indian ‘The Battle of Takkolam’ was fought between
Q-19) Most famous sculptures of Cholas age were
Q-20) Which of the following products of the Sangam Age is considered to be the greatest monument of ancient Tamil literature?